Buckling Behavior of Plate Girder with Corrugated Webs Under Shear Load

Document Type : Original Article


1 Civil Engineering Dep., Faculty of Engineering, Minia University, Egypt

2 Construction and Building Dep., The Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology Luxor, Egypt

3 Construction and Building Dep., The Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology, Luxor, Egypt


Corrugated web with a tapered shape (BGCWs) are increasingly being utilized in constructing new bridges due to their lightweight nature, aesthetic appeal, and cost-effectiveness compared to reinforced panels. Existing literature categorizes pointed BGCWs into four distinct typologies, with Case I being the most prevalent and typically found near intermediate abutments in continuous bridges. A parametric study was carried out to investigate the impact of various factors such as the aspect ratio of the web plate, inclination angles of the tapered web plate, web thickness, and fold width. The primary focus of this research is on determining the critical shear buckling stress (τcr) for Corrugated web with a tapered shape (BGCWs) in Case I through elastic bifurcation analyses using the ABAQUS program on beams with corrugated web subjected to a concentrated load at the mid-span. They found that tapered corrugated web buckling locally, globally, and interactively. Additionally, the study aims to determine the maximum shear load through finite element analysis (FE) to validate the inelastic behavior of tapered BGCWs in Case I. Based on the analysis results, a formula has been proposed to calculate the local ultimate shear force.


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