Cost Reduction and CO2 Emissions: Exploring the Nexus through Fleet Diversity

Document Type : Original Article


1 Automotive and Tractors Engineering Dep., Faculty of Engineering, Minia University, Minia, Egypt

2 Automotive and Tractors Engineering Dep., Faculty of Engineering, Mataria, Helwan University, Giza, Egypt


This research paper explores the impact of fleet diversity on operating costs and environmental sustainability in the transportation sector , with a case study of a beverage production company in Egypt. The study considers the optimal distribution of the company's transportation fleets , comparing scenarios with diverse fleet sizes and types to a scenario with a single type of fleet. The objective is to highlight fleet diversification's significance in reducing operating costs and CO2 emissions . The study employs Lingo Code to obtain optimal solutions for the transportation problem, revealing a 36.93% reduction in fuel consumption costs and a 39 % decrease in carbon dioxide emissions when using diverse fleets . These findings provide valuable insights and recommendations for the beverage production industry and beyond, aiming to achieve a more sustainable and efficient transportation system .
Keywords : Fleet Diversity , Operating Costs , Environmental Sustainability , Transportation problem


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