Optimizing Alternative Fuel Mix Quality as a Sustainable Fuel in the Cement Industry Through Screening Processes

Document Type : Original Article


1 Chemical Engineering Dep., Faculty of Engineering, Minia University, Minia, Egypt

2 Egyptian Company for Solid Waste Recycling (ECARU), Qalyubia, Egypt

3 Chemical Engineering Dep., Tanta Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology, Tanta, Egypt


This study examines the effect of the screening process on the quality of Biomass-Derived Fuel (BDF) and Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) used as alternative fuels in the cement industry. Key parameters analyzed include calorific value, ash content, and moisture content of the alternative fuel mixtures.
The screening process, which involves removing unwanted contaminants and reducing particle size, significantly enhances fuel properties. Improved screening increases the calorific value of the fuel mixture, lowers ash content, and reduces moisture content, thereby enhancing fuel efficiency and overall quality.
Results revealed that the initial moisture content of the RDF sample was 24.6%, well above the desired range (below 15%). Screening reduced the moisture content to 14.2% in the fuel mix. Similarly, initial ash content in RDF and biomass samples was 21% and 22%, respectively, but effective screening reduced the ash content in fuel mixtures to 15.5%, improving suitability for cement production.
The calorific value improved with better screening, reaching up to 3851 kcal/kg in the fuel mix. This is notably higher than the 3620 kcal/kg for RDF and 3359 kcal/kg for biomass before final screening. This highlights the critical role of effective screening in enhancing the energy potential of alternative fuels.
Inconsistencies in the screening process can adversely affect fuel quality, leading to fluctuations in calorific value, ash content, and moisture levels. These findings underscore the importance of strict control measures during screening to ensure the production of high-quality alternative fuels for the cement industry.


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