Housing is one of the most basic problems facing the world, which has not been able to find a radical solution. It is one of the most pressing problems due to the increasing demand of the population. Therefore, providing adequate housing for various population groups in a society is not only to meet the needs of housing units, but it is a mobile problem that changes with the development of peoples and a system that integrates economic, social, urban, organizational, administrative, design and planning, and any failure in any part leads to a defect in housing plans and programs, and then many countries of the world developed plans programs to support and finance low-income and poor families to obtain adequate shelter at their lowest levels. The lack of an integrated housing policy for urban development, which ensures integrated programs and projects that link housing and the sustainability of settlements to the apparent lack of adequate housing and housing needs, has become an extremely difficult issue for different classes of people especially low-income class. As the affordable housing programs for the youth and low-income groups in the new Egyptian cities did not achieve the urban efficiency and economic suitability of the low-income group, the paper focused on this problem, analyzing its causes and presenting some suitable solutions through studying some of the international experiences in the field of affordable housing. The objective of this paper is to determine the success factors of housing plans and programs that can be applied in the new Egyptian cities through an analytical study of some international experiences in addressing the affordable housing problems of low income groups and comparing them with the Egyptian experience. The methodology was based on the theoretical thought and its emphasis on practical reality, through a presentation of the problem of urbanization and affordable housing, the poor and the low-income, then a presentation of the housing problem in Egypt in general, and the problem of low-income housing in particular, This is followed by an analytical study of some of the global experiences in affordable housing projects to arrive at a set of results that represent the strengths and weaknesses that can be observed in the Egyptian experiment, and then put forward some recommendations that help in the development of economic housing projects and programs in Egypt in light of lessons learned from global experiences to achieve urban economic efficiency and appropriate for the desired category of low-income people. The paper dealt with the analysis and study of this problem as follows: 1. Basic Definitions (Poverty - Low Income - Urbanization - Affordable Housing) 2. The problem of affordable housing in Egypt. 3. A theoretical study of the Egyptian experience in the new cities. 4. Analytical study of some of the global experiences (Thailand - India - Algeria - Jordan). 5. Comparison and evaluation of the Egyptian experience in the light of the analysis and evaluation of different global experiences. 6. Conclusions and Recommendations.
Abu El-Ayoun Abdel-Rahim, A., Helmy Haddad, O., & Nagy Abdel-Hafez, U. (2019). LEARNED LESSONS FROM GLOBAL EXPERIENCES IN DEVELOPING AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECTS. Journal of Advanced Engineering Trends, 38(2), 21-43. doi: 10.21608/jaet.2020.70784
Ashraf Abu El-Ayoun Abdel-Rahim; Osama Helmy Haddad; Umniah Nagy Abdel-Hafez. "LEARNED LESSONS FROM GLOBAL EXPERIENCES IN DEVELOPING AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECTS", Journal of Advanced Engineering Trends, 38, 2, 2019, 21-43. doi: 10.21608/jaet.2020.70784
Abu El-Ayoun Abdel-Rahim, A., Helmy Haddad, O., Nagy Abdel-Hafez, U. (2019). 'LEARNED LESSONS FROM GLOBAL EXPERIENCES IN DEVELOPING AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECTS', Journal of Advanced Engineering Trends, 38(2), pp. 21-43. doi: 10.21608/jaet.2020.70784
Abu El-Ayoun Abdel-Rahim, A., Helmy Haddad, O., Nagy Abdel-Hafez, U. LEARNED LESSONS FROM GLOBAL EXPERIENCES IN DEVELOPING AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECTS. Journal of Advanced Engineering Trends, 2019; 38(2): 21-43. doi: 10.21608/jaet.2020.70784