
Electrical Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Minia University


This paper presents the design and the Real-Time implementation of self-balancing Two-Wheeled Inverted Pendulum (TWIP) using state-feedback controller and a conventional fuzzy logic controller (CFLC) on Real-Time. The state-feedback controller consists of two parts PD controller and PI controller. The state-feedback controller was designed first for the nonlinear model then it was updated for the Real-Time implementation. The CFLC was designed first based on the state-feedback controller to reach the point of using pure fuzzy controller for the TWIP. The CFLC was designed with Mamdani fuzzy inference architecture if-then rules. The TWIP is balanced with CFLC with a base of 7 rules only. Different controller’s types were tested on real-Time to perform a good balance for the TWIP. Fuzzy PI, Fuzzy PD, and combination of two independent CFLC were used to achieve the balancing of the TWIP on Real-Time.


Main Subjects

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