An Authentic-based Privacy Preservation System for Smart E-Healthcare Systems Based on Zero Run Length Encoding and DNA Cryptography

Document Type : Original Article


1 Biomedical Department, Faculty of Engineering, Helwan university

2 Misr University for science and technology


Nowadays, Information security involves protecting such a piece of sensitive information from unauthorized access which includes either inspection, modification, recording, or any disruption or destruction. That's why the important strategic resources and large corporations ensure the safety and the privacy of critical data such as customer account details, financial data, or intellectual property. To make sure that the information reaches the intended persons (usually the sender and the receiver), all the weaknesses of security systems must be supported by creating novel algorithms that are based on recent secure technologies like DNA cryptography. This study aimed to propose a crypto-compression system that is based on a hybridization of data compression using zero-Run-Length Encoding (zRLE) and data encryption using DNA cryptography. Such a proposed system reconstructed the secret compressed data with similarity percent 100% (Lossless compression) and zero mean square error (accurate data reconstruction) which resulted in increasing transmission speed for confidential data.


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