Measuring Residential Satisfaction in Apartments in Egypt by An AHP-based Scale

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Architectural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University

2 Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Assuit University


Residential satisfaction (RS) is an important characteristic of sustainable built environment and residential apartments. Yet, evaluating RS is complicated due to its interconnection with many influential criteria, and hence it is hard to formulate a single generic scale since it differs widely depending on location along with other variables. This paper presents a developed scale to measure RS in different residential apartments in Egypt; the novelty of the study is articulating a numerical scale with measurable criteria regarding different apartment cases within three scopes: apartment, building, and neighborhood RS. Criteria that influence RS were first compiled through different sources and within structured limitations. Through the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), the outcomes of architectural evaluators were utilized to create the scale with different relative significance weights for the complied criteria (the proposed scale). For validation, the RS of sixty-six residents from different residential groups was surveyed; the results were compared to validate the scale. The comparison displayed a good correlation, thus implying the validity of the proposed RS scale; analysis of residents' responses shed light on other characteristics affecting RS, which have been analyzed and discussed through the paper.


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