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A.Fadali, O., T.Said, E., H. Abdelraheem, O., H.Ahmed, M., Z. Mohamed, N. (2020). 'COMPARATIVE PERFORMANCE OF SCREEN AND SHEET CATHODES IN DECOLORIZATION OF ACID RED 14 BY ELECTROCOAGULATION', Journal of Advanced Engineering Trends, 39(2), pp. 99-107. doi: 10.21608/jaet.2020.76894
A.Fadali, O., T.Said, E., H. Abdelraheem, O., H.Ahmed, M., Z. Mohamed, N. COMPARATIVE PERFORMANCE OF SCREEN AND SHEET CATHODES IN DECOLORIZATION OF ACID RED 14 BY ELECTROCOAGULATION. Journal of Advanced Engineering Trends, 2020; 39(2): 99-107. doi: 10.21608/jaet.2020.76894