A Novel Robotic Assistant in the Education Using Embedded Systems

Document Type : Original Article


1 1Mechatronics Engineering Department, El-Minia High Institute of Engineering and Technology, El-Minia 61111, Egypt.

2 Faculty of Engineering Minia University


Babyhood ambulatory disabilities reduce not only the most effective physical development but also children’s social attachment. Robotic aids can help improve the autonomy of children with disabilities; however, affordability issues, coverage challenges, and uncertainty regarding schooling requirements restrict the early use of these devices. In this work, we built on cheap research-grade learning aids for children and kept in mind the way to lay out and evaluate an assistive robotic that can aid the use of these gadgets. With kids’ contingency gaining knowledge of skills in thoughts, we designed a robotic capable of offering age-appropriate help in learning, such as learning the alphabet and learning many valuable things in daily life. Typically, this paper reports on others interested in assistive robotic interventions for babyhood ambulatory disabilities. Moreover, the results prove that the designed and embedded system can give an acceptable control performance for the robotic considering the conditional environmental conditions of operation.


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