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Number of Volumes  7
Number of Issues  11
Number of Articles  255
Article View  79,674
PDF Download  136,369
View Per Article  312.45
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Journal of Advanced Engineering Trends (JAET) is an international, specialized, and peer-reviewed journal. It is a scientific research journal in different disciplines of engineering. It is a great opportunity for researchers all over the world to publish their research in JAET, a promising international refereed journal. JAET is to provide a forum for scientific publication and discussion of state-of-the-art engineering. In addition, it serves as a conduit for channeling advanced technology into the region. According to the evaluation of the Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities, JAET received a rating of 7 out of 7 points. 

The journal is devoted to publishing good-quality papers. JAET publishes original papers and review articles. Papers covering experimental, theoretical, and computational aspects that contribute to the understanding of engineering aspects are particularly welcome. Submitted papers should not be considered for publication elsewhere. JAET is a peer-reviewed open-access journal published by the Faculty of Engineering at Minia University, in conjunction with the Egyptian Knowledge Bank (EKB). Research papers submitted to the journal are subject to double-blind refereeing. The journal is supported by international editorial board members who are experts in various fields related to engineering.  

Current Issue: Volume 44, Issue 1, January 2025 

Experimental Investigation of Biodiesel Spray Combustion Characteristics

Pages 51-60

Hamada Mohamed Gad; Ibrahim Abdelrahman; Moamen Alaa Mahmoud; Mohamed Mohamed Elsakka

High Gain 1x4 Slot Antenna Array for 5G 28GHz Networks

Pages 61-65

Ahmed Ibrahim; Essra Esam Elden; Abu Hashema Moustafa; Ayat Abo Elmagd

Cost Reduction and CO2 Emissions: Exploring the Nexus through Fleet Diversity

Pages 66-73

Mohamed H. Abdelati; Ali M. Abd-El-Tawwab; Elsayed E. M. Ellimony; Mohammed Rabie

Estimation of Shear Strength Parameters For C-Phi Soils

Pages 74-81

Faek Hassona; Ahmed M. Abu Bakr; Remon I. M Abdelmalak; Alaa A. M. Abbas

Buckling Behavior of Plate Girder with Corrugated Webs Under Shear Load

Pages 82-97

Sedky A. Tohamy; Afaf A. Mahmoud; Fatma Abdel Naser; Asmaa Y. Hamed

Enhancing Vehicle Ride Comfort with Optimized Tuned Mass Damper Systems

Pages 132-141

Mina Magdy Ibrahim; Mohamed Mourad; Khaled R. M. Mahmoud; Khaled A. Abd El-Gwwad

Positive Effect for Using Novel Monitoring System on Reciprocating Compressor

Pages 150-158

Mohammed Mahmoud Ibrahim Ayoub; Wagih M. Marzouk; Ibrahim M. M. El Moghazy

Unmasking Effectiveness: A Comprehensive Analysis of CPAP Devices in Treating Sleep Apnea

Pages 194-200

Mohamed Nagy Saad; Nader A. Rahman Mohamed; Shrief Abdelazeez; Abd Elrhman Shaaban; Wael Abouelwafa

Impact of Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) Nanoparticles on Biogas Yield from Co-digestion of Food Waste and Cow Dung

Pages 209-213

Yasser Elsayed; Ibrahim Abdelrahman; Ayman Mohamed; Mohamed Ismail; Moustafa Shehata

Developing Deep Learning Based Facial Recognition Technique

Pages 214-220

Hossam Mahmoud Elian; Gamal M. Dousoky; Ali Hafez

An Experimental Investigation of Thermal Properties for Different Building Materials Used in Egypt

Pages 245-252

Abd El-Montaleb M. Aly; Nagat A. Makhlouf; El-Sadek H. NourEldeen; Hisham Maher; Medhat A. Osman

Automatic Bladder Cancer Segmentation Using Deep Learning

Pages 253-259

Lamia N. Omran; Kadry A. Ezzat; Hossam El-Fadaly; Emad G. Shehata; Gerges M. Salama

Optimal Sliding Surface PID for Position Control of Robotic Arm

Pages 272-281

Ahmed Abdel-Sattar; Abu Hashema M. El-Sayed; Shehab R. Tawfiek; Ahmed Kassem

Influence of Embedding Paraffin Wax in Trombe Wall on Heating of Buildings

Pages 298-306

Rehab M. Helmi; Amr S. H. Abdallah; Mohamed S. Abd-Elhady; Abdel Monteleb M. Aly

Development and Implementation of pipeline Convolutional Coding using FPGA

Pages 368-374

Sara M. Hassan; Aziza I. Hussein; ashraf abdelmonem khalaf